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Sharing & Requesting Access to NYU Langone Health MyChart

Our patient portal, , allows you to easily access information about your medical history and manage your care online and through the NYU Langone Health app. With proper consent, patients age 12 and older can grant access to their MyChart account to a trusted family member or caregiver. For children age 11 and younger, parents and guardians may request proxy access to their child’s health record.

Follow these instructions to request proxy access or share access to a family member’s NYU Langone Health MyChart account. For more information about MyChart and shared access, please see our .

Requesting Proxy MyChart Access for Children Age 11 and Younger

To request proxy access to your child’s NYU Langone Health MyChart health record, you must first have your own account. If you are a patient at NYU Langone and don’t yet have an account, you can . If you are not a patient at NYU Langone, please call our MyChart Help Desk at 866-262-6458 so that we may create an account for you.

After logging into your NYU Langone Health MyChart account, follow these steps to request access to your child’s health record:

  • From the Menu, scroll to Sharing and select “Share My Record.”
  • Select “Friends and Family Access.”
  • Under Records I Can See, select “Request Access to My Child’s Account (Under Age 12).”
  • Enter your child’s information and review the agreement language.
  • Check the box to accept the agreement, and then tap “Submit Request.”

Please note that processing time for reviewing and approving proxy access may vary. You will receive a notification to your NYU Langone Health MyChart account when access to your child’s health record has been reviewed.

Sharing MyChart Access for People Age 12 and Older

People age 12 and older can create their own NYU Langone Health MyChart account and can choose to share access to their account with a parent, guardian, or other trusted caregiver or friend. Shared access to the accounts of people age 12 to 17 expires on their 18th birthday, in accordance with New York State law. The person can choose to share access again at that time.

To share access, you must first . The person with whom you are sharing access must also have an NYU Langone MyChart account in order to accept your invitation. If they are a patient at NYU Langone, they can online. If they are not a patient at NYU Langone, they must call our MyChart Help Desk at 866-262-6458 so that we may create an account for them.

After logging into your NYU Langone Health MyChart account, follow these steps to share access:

  • From the Menu, scroll to Sharing and select “Share My Record.”
  • Select “Friends and Family Access.”
  • Under Who Can See My Record, select “Share MyChart Access with Family/Friend.”
  • Enter the information for the person with whom you would like to share access.
  • Review the agreement language, and check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Select “Send Invite.”

The person receives an invitation sent to the email account you provided for them, and must then complete the steps listed below.

Accepting an Invitation for Shared Access

To accept an invitation for shared access to someone’s NYU Langone Health MyChart account, you must complete the following steps:

  • Log into your NYU Langone Health MyChart account using the link in the email you received.
  • Enter the patient’s date of birth and choose “Accept Invitation,” or choose “Decline Invitation” if you do not wish to accept.

For technical assistance with NYU Langone Health MyChart, please call our MyChart Help Desk at 866-262-6458.