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Advance Care Planning

At NYU Langone, we provide you with individualized care targeted to your treatment goals. This approach includes allowing you to choose who can make decisions for you in the event you are unable to do so for yourself.

This process, called advance care planning, is a key component of our patient-focused approach to care. Life is unpredictable, and our goal is to ensure that your wishes regarding the type and extent of medical treatment you receive are fulfilled.

Advance care planning has four basic components. To get started, download our Advance Care Planning guide, which can help you get down your thoughts and share them with others. The guide is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.

Step 1: Consider your wishes for future care.

Step 2: Select a healthcare agent—it can be a family member, friend, or anyone you trust. They act on your behalf should your doctor determine that you are unable to make your own healthcare decisions. Then, have a conversation with that person to explain what matters most to you.

Step 3: Fill out the healthcare proxy form, which is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and in additional languages through . The healthcare proxy is an advance directive that designates that person as your healthcare agent and outlines your wishes.

The healthcare proxy form gives you the opportunity to share instructions related to specific medical treatments. For example, you can let your healthcare agent know if you would want certain treatments or procedures, such as breathing assistance if you become unable to breathe on your own or dialysis if your kidneys fail. You can also indicate your preference regarding organ donation.

Some people who are seriously ill or frail may also choose to complete a Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form. This document indicates whether you want an attempt at resuscitation should your heart or breathing suddenly stop. The MOLST form also allows you to make other important decisions, and when signed by a provider it becomes a medical order that is valid in all healthcare settings and at home. At NYU Langone Health we provide the electronic version of MOLST for your convenience.

Once these forms are completed, they can be updated at any time. This includes changing the person you select to be your healthcare agent.

Your healthcare agent is only consulted if your doctor determines you are medically incapable of making your own healthcare decisions. Your healthcare choices always remain yours to make, provided you are medically able to do so.

Step 4: Share your wishes for future care with your loved ones, providers and anyone else you feel should know your preferences.

Upcoming Events

We have a series of virtual webinars that are open to the public and available through Zoom.

Thursday, January 16, 2025
Zoom Meeting ID: 989 0083 5533
Zoom Passcode: 121465

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Zoom Meeting ID: 984 5683 9265
Zoom Passcode: 827700

Monday, May 19, 2025
Zoom Meeting ID: 985 3103 9850
Zoom Passcode: 947442

Contact Us

We understand that these are tough decisions to make and difficult conversations to have. However, expressing your wishes to your loved ones benefits everyone. You get the respect you deserve, and your loved ones have the reassurance of knowing they made the decisions that were in line with your wishes.

Our staff can help you have these conversations and can answer any questions you have about the process. Please contact us at 212-263-0416 or AdvanceCarePlanning@NYULangone.org for more information.