Conflicts of Interest
The Conflicts of Interest Management Unit (CIMU) ensures the integrity and objectivity of business decision-making and research credibility at NYU Langone Health. The CIMU coordinates the disclosure and reporting of potential conflicts of interest, as well as identifies and manages them in accordance with NYU Langone’s conflicts of interest policies.
Additionally, the CIMU makes certain that NYU Langone Health is compliant with rules and regulations, such as the Public Health Service (PHS) financial conflict of interest regulations, the Sunshine Act, and the NY Non-Profit Revitalization Act, among others. Adequate management of such matters eliminates any impropriety, or the perception of impropriety, and helps to maintain the public’s trust in NYU Langone.
If you have any questions, please contact CIMU at 212-404-4079.
Conflict of Interest Policies
Conflict of interest policies apply to all of us—trustees, officers, faculty, medical staff, employees, trainees, students, volunteers, vendors, contractors, consultants, and agents of the NYU Langone community—and help us uphold a principled partnership with the industry and avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. For ease of reference, these policies are organized into three parts.
Business Conflicts of Interest Policies
These policies cover general business conflicts of interest and apply to all members in the NYU Langone community, with the exception of Trustees (see Conflicts of Interest for Trustees, Officers, and Key Persons).
Research Conflicts of Interest Policies
These policies consist of two policies, the Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research and Other Sponsored Research, which applies to all investigators participating in a sponsored project conducted at or under the auspices of NYU Langone Health; and the Policy on Institutional Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research, which applies to financial interests that NYU or NYU Langone Health may have in research being conducted on human subjects at the institution.
Faculty Conflicts of Commitment and Consulting Policies
These policies apply to all faculty members of NYU Langone Health and pertain to conflicts arising from faculty members’ outside activities and to his or her obligations to NYU and NYU Langone Health.
NYU Langone Health Conflict Policies
Policy - Business Affairs Conflicts of Interest
Policy - Faculty Conflicts of Commitment
Policy - Faculty Consulting
Policy - Institutional Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research
Policy - Research and Other Sponsored Programs Conflict of Interest
Policy - Conflicts of Interest for Trustees, Officers, and Key Persons
Form - Faculty Consulting Addendum for Use with Consulting Agreements