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Our Services

Clinical Genetic Services

At NYU Langone’s Clinical Genetic Services, we offer individualized evaluations, genetic counseling, and testing. Our clinical services include complete genetic evaluations for children and adults.

Our goal is to provide you with genetic information that presents choices and minimizes uncertainty, empowering you to make decisions that are most beneficial for you. Although we offer specific recommendations about your medical care, we encourage you to make choices that are appropriate for you based on your cultural background and personal experience.

Geneticist in the Lab

We offer genetic counseling, evaluation, and testing for children and adults.

We use a team approach in which we consult you, as well as one another, when making decisions. Our team includes highly experienced clinical geneticists and genetic counselors who are trained to provide you with clinical information as well as referrals to other specialists.

Your Evaluation

A genetic evaluation includes meeting with either a medical geneticist or a genetic counselor, or both. We gather a detailed medical and family history during your appointment, provide a physical examination if needed, and discuss your options for genetic testing.

Services for Children

When evaluating your child for a genetic condition, we believe that parents are an integral part of the healthcare team. We want to know your thoughts about the causes of your child’s condition and discuss whether or not testing or treatment options may influence future childbearing decisions. We are supportive of your decision-making process based on your individual needs, philosophies, and beliefs. Our services for children are provided through Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone.

Our services continue to grow with the increasing availability of new genetic tests and treatments. Our group customizes and explains the scientific details of your genetic evaluation, so you can be a fully informed participant in healthcare for yourself and your child.

For Our Patients

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