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Research, Press Releases
A clinical trials review finds that standard psychotherapies often fail to treat military-related PTSD.
February 3, 2020
A milestone study could change how cardiologists treat patients with stable coronary artery disease.
NYU Langone Health News, NYU Langone Health News Winter 2020
Research, ÀÇÎѵ¼º½
Clinicians, researchers, and patients work together to increase 5-year survival rate to 50 percent.
Perlmutter Cancer Center Highlights, Perlmutter Cancer Center Highlights 2019–2020
Research, Translational Medicine
Dozens of trials explore a wide variety of drug strategies and tumor types.
Dr. Stacy Loeb offers tips to help patients determine whether online medical videos are reliable.
New programs are changing how individuals are screened for genetic risk for cancer.
NYU Langone researchers unravel the mysteries of pancreatic cancer’s elaborate eating habits.
Up to 80 percent of participants experienced clinically significant benefits.
January 28, 2020
From cochlear implant placement and performance to new research, experts target enhanced outcomes.
Ear, Nose & Throat Highlights, Ear, Nose & Throat Highlights 2019–2020
Studies show patterns of opioid usage for hand, hip, shoulder, and pediatric surgeries.
Orthopedic Surgery Year in Review, Orthopedic Surgery 2019 Quality & Outcomes Report
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