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Research, Innovation, Translational Medicine
Researchers develop novel therapies that could significantly improve lung cancer patient outcomes.
Pulmonology Year in Review, Pulmonology 2017 Year in Review
ÀÇÎѵ¼º½, Innovation
New developments in cochlear implant placement and programming enhance patient outcomes.
Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Year in Review, Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery 2017 Year in Review
Innovation, In the Media
Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez created a new, lifelike three-dimensional printed mask for face transplant donors.
January 5, 2018
Education, Innovation
NYU School of Medicine's three-year MD allows students to skip the fourth year, saving a year’s worth of tuition and housing fees.
NYU School of Medicine Reports, NYU School of Medicine 2017 Report
NYU School of Medicine's three-year MD pathway eases the transition between medical school and residency.
Marc Triola, MD, director of IIME, believes technology creates more—not fewer—opportunities for medical students.
Research, Innovation
Technology Ventures and Partnerships is pioneering academic drug discovery.
Our programs impart the skills required to launch a successful new venture in the biomedical industry.
Our surgeons developed a device to improve quality of life for people with early osteoarthritis of the knee.
Patrick Hardison, a volunteer firefighter, played a big role in the smooth recovery from his 2015 transplant.
NYU Physician, NYU Physician Winter 2017
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