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Complex Cases
Clinical expertise and a wide-ranging multidisciplinary effort bring a positive outcome.
Rusk Rehabilitation Highlights, Rusk Rehabilitation Highlights 2019–2020
ÀÇÎѵ¼º½, Complex Cases
Spine surgeon Dr. Anthony K. Frempong-Boadu and his team help restore a patient’s quality of life.
Neurosurgery Highlights, Neurosurgery Highlights 2019–2020
After cancer treatment leaves a patient with untenable symptoms, a nuanced solution brings success.
Ear, Nose & Throat Highlights, Ear, Nose & Throat Highlights 2019–2020
Coordinated effort and expertise bring success with a rare operation.
Cardiology & Heart Surgery Highlights, Cardiology & Heart Surgery Highlights 2019–2020
Collaborative planning, diagnostics, and surgery relieve an unusual combination of conditions.
Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Highlights, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Highlights 2019–2020
Doctors treat patient using next-generation sequencing, targeted adjuvant therapy, and a neobladder.
Urology Highlights, Urology Highlights 2019–2020
At 21 weeks of pregnancy, a patient with a tumor diagnosis presents a complex surgical challenge.
When Jay Weiner’s heart stopped in the OR, he was with the right team of doctors at the right time.
Perlmutter Cancer Center Special Report, Perlmutter Cancer Center Special Report Fall 2019
Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriquez designs an ambitious surgical plan to restore mobility to a patient’s face.
News & Views, News & Views Summer 2019
Experts took an innovative surgical approach to repair a severe ankle injury.
June 4, 2019
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