Photo: Dusan Stankovic/Getty
Parents deciding whether their kids should participate in sports during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic have to assess the risk based on factors like community rates of infection, ventilation, and league adherence to mask wearing and other safety protocols. Whenever possible, teams should consider playing outside. “The best indoor sport is an outdoor sport,” says Cordelia W. Carter, MD, clinical associate professor in the and co-director of the Center for Young Athletes at NYU Langone.
If your child isn’t participating in team sports this year, they should find other ways to incorporate exercise into their routine. Dr. Carter tells The Washington Post that one silver lining of the disruption in youth sports schedules is that it gives young athletes an opportunity to broaden their athletic horizons. “For young people in particular, early specialization can lead to burnout and overuse injuries,” says Dr. Carter. “Try less structured or more solo activities such as yoga, hiking, dance, or martial arts.”
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