The second season of Vital Signs, a podcast from NYU Langone Health and SiriusXM, launches January 6 with all new episodes. The original podcast series shares behind-the-mask personal stories and life lessons directly from NYU Langone’s world-class doctors, surgeons, researchers, and nurses.
The series is available for free at and or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Vital Signs’ second season chronicles the triumphs and difficulties of eight medical professionals. In the first episode, Joel Salinas, MD, MBA, shares his personal journey living with synesthesia, a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in another pathway. He describes moving through the world in a way that few of us can imagine—and how this actually helps him in his medical practice relating to his patients.
“In my brain, looking at you, I’m essentially looking at myself. I might as well be looking at a reflection of myself,” says Dr. Salinas.
Future episodes of Season Two focus on a leading researcher who lost all of her work in Superstorm Sandy, and her resilience building back all she’d lost over the next decade; a doctor’s personal struggle during COVID-19, and how she was able to help families by connecting them with physicians; a nurse’s incredible journey to find her calling; and a leading surgeon’s fight to save twins through an innovative surgery, while they were still in the womb.