At the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Center, psychologists like Dr. Amanda M. Spray offer compassionate mental health services to veterans and their family members.
Photo: NYU Langone Staff
Approximately 20 percent of veterans returning home from deployment, especially those who served multiple tours of duty, experience some form of mental health issue, including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and addiction, or a combination of these conditions. Although the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and its network of hospitals and care providers do their best to address these concerns, there is nonetheless a gap in mental health services for this population.
This is where the Cohen Veterans Network steps in. Its nationwide network of clinics, including the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Center in the at NYU Langone, provide free mental health services for veterans and their families regardless of discharge status.
, director of NYU Langone’s Military Family Center, says that its services address all of the mental health issues that veterans and their families face. “I’m very fortunate to work with individuals who have given so much of themselves in the service of others,” she says. “It’s incredibly rewarding to help them live their lives to the fullest.”
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