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Experts agree that anxiety is the most common mental health issue facing Americans. This year alone, 40 million Americans will experience an anxiety attack or another variation of the illness. Over the course of a lifetime, one out of every four Americans will suffer from some form of anxiety.
But there are many ways to treat anxiety—from simple relaxation exercises to medications. Psychiatrist Naomi Simon, MD, director of the Anxiety and Complicated Grief Disorders Program at NYU Langone, tells The New York Times: “Anxiety is a natural occurrence and a normal reaction to the stressors around us.” She says that when anxiety exacerbates to the point that it prevents normal activity, that is when it should be addressed.
Feeling in control is key to addressing anxiety or a more serious anxiety disorder. “When you know that you can control all that surrounds you, and that you accept the limitations of what you can and cannot control, then you will be able to better manage your situation,” Dr. Simon adds.
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