On her feet nearly 13 hours a day, intensive care unit nurse manager Elizabeth Douglas, RN, is overseeing frontline nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Elizabeth Douglas, RN, is nurse manager of the surgical intensive care unit (ICU), neuroscience ICU, and the critical care float team at NYU Langone Hospital—Brooklyn. During the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, she is playing a pivotal role in overseeing nursing care for severely ill patients.
“It’s rough,” she tells the New York Post, which is profiling her in a Hero of the Day column. “I know there’s a risk of me being infected; I’m with positive patients everyday… but I do it because I’m a nurse, and that’s what I do.”
Thomas Nolan, RN, senior director for nursing, critical care, emergency department, and behavioral health, NYU Langone Hospital—Brooklyn, says Douglas has been a critical member of the team as the hospital prepares for more patients.
“I give her a lot of credit; I’m not sure how she’s doing it,” Nolan says. “It’s mentally and physically draining; she has a good finger on the pulse of the unit, and I think she knows what to say and how to say it so staff really feel supported.”
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