Photo: Wand Prapan/Getty
Considered one of the most technical skills in sports, professional and casual golfers alike are always looking to improve their swing—through lessons, the latest clubs, and now through science. Men’s Health reporter Jordyn Taylor visited the Golf Lab at NYU Langone’s Sports Performance Center to have her swing analyzed by a team of exercise physiologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and golf professionals.
The team began by placing small, spherical sensors on her body and golf club, to be picked up by motion-detecting cameras set up all around the tee. Standing on a plate that measures force and weight distribution, Jordyn hit several golf balls, all while receiving tips from the lab’s golf professional and creating data for a high-tech program to provide metrics on her swing.
Jordyn then received a stability and mobility evaluation from a physical therapist and a short lesson with the golf pro, after which the entire team reviewed her data with her. She learned everything about the mechanics of her swing and was taught specific exercises to help her improve. The combination of medical experts, technological data analysis, and golf expertise provided at our Golf Lab has given Jordyn the knowledge and confidence she needs to bring her game to the next level.
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