The Family Health Centers at NYU Langone urges Medicare recipients to recertify and reenroll in the program to keep access to benefits.
Photo: Karsten Moran
Now that federal regulations require Medicaid recipients to recertify and reenroll in the program, the Family Health Centers at NYU Langone is working to ensure that thousands of New York City residents preserve their access to quality care and needed medications.
“A great many of our patients rely on Medicaid for their healthcare and are likely to assume the benefits they already have will simply continue,” said , executive director of the Family Health Centers at NYU Langone, which serves one of the largest Medicaid-eligible populations in the state. “But our patients often also face language barriers, or may not have a consistent mailing address, or have limited access to digital information.”
Federal regulations that were suspended during the pandemic have now been reinstated, requiring action by New York State’s 9 million Medicaid recipients, even if they’ve already qualified in the past.
“We’re working with insurers, our providers, and with local community groups to get the information out,” McReynolds said. “Medicaid recipients haven’t had to reapply annually since 2020. We want to be sure they know about the changes that can affect their finances and family health; continuity of care matters.”
“This isn’t just about doctors’ visits,” he added. “For many people with chronic illness, drug coverage they count on each month is also vitally important.”
A New York State public service campaign that used television commercials, billboards, and ads on the New York City subway this spring helped spread the word.
“During the pandemic, New York State of Health provided millions of New Yorkers with free or low-cost health insurance in the face of the unprecedented economic and public health uncertainties,” New York State of Health Executive Director Danielle Holahan said in a public statement. “We will not rest until we’ve ensured all of our members have had every opportunity to stay covered.”
At the same time, the Family Health Centers at NYU Langone is leading its own awareness effort, targeting its primarily Brooklyn community. Often, even people who do not have stable housing may still have a mobile phone number, so NYU Langone has sent text messages to patients urging them to renew coverage during the 14-month open enrollment, which began earlier this year and ends May 2024.
The Family Health Centers at NYU Langone’s Financial Planning Office can help you renew your Medicaid eligibility. Call us 718-630-7136 or 718-630-8303 or email us at fhcmedicaidoffice@nyulangone.org.
The NYU Langone Health App is also being used to advise Medicaid-eligible patients to renew by contacting their health plan. The message is sent in multiple languages, based on patient preferences set within the app.
When people come to a branch of the Family Health Centers at NYU Langone, they can also get in-person assistance with the recertification process. Staff assist with sign-ups on-site, and can also help patients over the phone, handling online forms or by reaching out with patients to Medicaid directly.
The need for patients to renew their eligibility for Medicaid has grown by 50 percent since this time last year, according to Vivian Dominguez, a supervisor in one of the center’s Financial Planning Offices. “We help more than 300 people each month reenroll in the public benefits program,” Dominguez said. She noted that increased requests for recertification assistance come from those who have seen awareness campaigns and others who suddenly find coverage has changed when they arrive to see a physician.
“We help more than 300 people each month reenroll in the public benefits program,” Dominguez said. She noted that increased requests for recertification assistance come from those who have seen awareness campaigns and others who suddenly find coverage has changed when they arrive to see a physician.
“Patients may not realize they need to reenroll until they arrive for a clinical appointment,” Dominguez explained.
The Family Health Centers at NYU Langone’s Financial Planning Office can be reached by calling 718-630-7136 or 718-630-8303 or by emailing fhcmedicaidoffice@nyulangone.org. Patients may also contact the online or by calling 855-355-5777.
Deadlines on the 15th of each month impact coverage by the first day of the following month. Medicaid-eligible patients who do not reenroll by July 15, for example, will not be covered August 1. Family Health Centers at NYU Langone leadership urges patients to check their Medicaid expiration date. Expirations may be linked to a patient’s birthday, but that’s not always the case. Generally, if coverage lapses, patients must wait about a month for reinstated coverage while their application makes its way through the federal renewal process.
“Continuity is our goal,” said McReynolds. “We want people to know the steps they must take, and we’re here to help them move forward.”