The Healthgrades rankings reflect NYU Langone’s commitment to delivering the best possible outcomes for patients.
Photo: Greg Shemitz
NYU Langone has been ranked best in New York State for critical care, pulmonary care, and stroke care, according to a Healthgrades’ 2022 state rankings report issues this week.
’s Health Pulse New York newsletter reported that the ranks were compiled using clinical outcomes at 4,500 U.S. hospitals across 8 specialty areas. It measured hospitals’ performance using Medicare inpatient data from the years 2018 through 2020, excluding patients with a COVID-19 diagnosis.
Healthgrades ultimately only recognized 431 top-ranked hospitals in 34 states.
“This year’s list encompasses the best of the best in terms of continued commitment to top-quality care, and a proven track record delivering positive outcomes for their patients,” Dr. Brad Bowman, chief medical officer and head of data science for Healthgrades, says in a statement reported by ’s.
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