Urologist Dr. Gary D. Steinberg joins other bladder cancer experts to answer common questions about bladder cancer and COVID-19.
Safeguarding against 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a major concern for people with bladder cancer and their caregivers. The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) convened a panel of experts, including , professor in NYU Langone’s , director of the Goldstein Urology Bladder Cancer Program, and a member of Perlmutter Cancer Center, to answer questions about the new disease from the bladder cancer community.
Among the questions are the following:
- Can people with bladder cancer continue receiving treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Does bladder removal pose additional risks?
- What will happen to patients enrolled in clinical trials?
Bladder cancer treatments require trips to a doctor’s office, and Dr. Steinberg and the other bladder cancer experts recommend that people with bladder cancer speak with their physicians before going to the office to reduce the risks to themselves, their caregivers, and the medical staff.
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